15mm figures CK battles train wheels

Peter Pig “The 15 Mill”

Click here to go to home page All figures and models are supplied unpainted. All standard packs are priced at £4.90 each and generally contain 8 infantry or 4 cavalry figures.  WANT TO CHANGE PACK (click here) CONTENTS? What's in my basket?


XX001 3 x 3 cm bases (square)
These are used for the majority of Peter Pig rule systems.   Usually infantry
40 Bases in a pack.   

XX002 3x 4 cm bases (rectangular)
Usually used for cavalry and equipment.
40 Bases per pack.   

 XX003 4 x 4 cm bases (square)
These are usually used for guns and generals
10 Bases per pack £3

The famous Piggy Dice £6       Pack  0f 12
Choose colour   All dice are 16mm size.   Piggy on the 6.     

16mm dice. Peter Pig first produced these dice with piggy head on the 6 (instead of the traditional 1 in 2003).  Another innovation from Peter Pig.

Black (xx201)

Dark orange (xx202)

Orange (xx203)

Kawasaki green (xx204)

British racing (dark) green (xx205)

Blitzkrieg (dark) grey (xx206)

Spitfire (light) blue (xx207)  

Mid blue (xx208)

Pink (xx209)  

Ivory (xx210)  

Yellow (xx211)

(XX004) Pair of choice dice
2 faces "I choose" 4 Faces blank.
Used when a player wishes to choose the location of the casualties inflicted. Used in some Peter Pig rules.

£1.50 per pair

Peter Pig 15mm figures
Peter Pig is one of the world's leading 15mm figure manufacturers.  We make 6000 different figures and models.  These are distilled into   1800 (15mm) packs. Every range has an associated set of rules. Also, there are related 15mm scenery ranges to accompany the figure ranges.  In these days of wandering measures of sizes into 18mm, 12mm and other sizes close to 15mm; Peter Pig has remained true to the 15mm ideal.  These other sizes are often an attempt by a manufacturer to create a market  for just their peculiar size. It is also used by sculptors who cannot work well with the 15mm size restriction and so need extra size in order to create acceptable sculpts. Peter Pig will continue to do 15mm wargame figures.  We will also constantly return to each range in order to carry out updates and additions.
Thus we have  15mm ranges with longevity and future potential.

In chronological order

printed RULES


Collectable figures

Second hand books

The 15  Mill Magazines



Dark Ages

Wars of the Roses




Pirate Ships(1/450th)


Odd Napoleonics

American Civil war

ACW Naval  


British colonial


Mexican Revolution

Spanish Civil War



Modern Africa

Science fiction


Heads and Odds

Plastic Kits

Train wheels for scratch builders

Peter Pig "More Oink"
15mm Figures , Models and Rules for Wargaming
36 Knightsdale Road, Weymouth, Dorset. DT4 0HS

Updated 8th February  2025

Standard packs have 8 infantry or 4 cavalry figures
Artillery pieces and vehicles are packaged and priced singly without crew unless stated otherwise.

Basic pack price £4.90

Things,  Links and   Information

Ordering and contact
E mail

Photo reports

Shows  and events we are at

Assembling Peter Pig models

Privacy Policy

PDF catalogue
September 2024

Peter Pig's Local clubs

Peter Pig FORUM

Special and Custom orders

Videos of games and products

Minairons Spanish partner

Old Peter Pig newsletters

VAT number and policy

Brookhurst Hobbies US partner

Rules updates and ideas

Peter Pig Facebook page

Old boxed army contents (for information only)

Mick Sellman Australian partner

Peter Pig gift cards


This site has been kept simple and functional so that you can find the range, see the list of packs and view a picture of the product too.
You do not need to create an account. We do not retain your details. The thumbnails enlarge to a useful size.
We are always updating and improving the site; so do let us know if you need some better information on any product. Thank you.    YY

Peter Pig "culture corner"-Some great pictures

London April 2024

All prices given DO NOT include VAT.
We will pay the VAT for UK customers and not add VAT to overseas orders.

Videos of Peter Pig products and rules

WOW! The 15 Mill. Edition 20 Out NOW  September  '24

AK Playtest report.
Third edition AK is now being worked upon.
Reloaded edition released 2009.
The new edition will be called AK47 Republic "People's Edition".
It should be out January 2025 (?)

PBI 2025
The new edition of PBI and PBI architect "out"
Initially the two books will be in pdf only.
The PBI rule book will probably be in print from the end of February /March 2025

Peter Pig VIDEOS

Dictator (right)

131. AK
 shanty hall

Robbie Long has been a' painting. Thank you Robbie
USMC from the modern Africa range